by April McCreight, Stampin' Up! Demonstrator - Gypsy Stamper, April 27, 2020

I love this set and everything it represents. My sister and I both celebrate our 10 years this year (her 10 years cancer free, me 10 years after preventative mastectomy & hysterectomy). I can't believe it's been 10 years! I am so thankful we are both here and healthy. I also have the privilege of being mom to the most amazing guy on earth, my special needs son, Justin. I have needed much love and support over the years but wouldn't trade one single second. And now we are in the midst of a pandemic none of us have ever been a part of. We need each other...and we also need to be creative (it helps with the cabin fever, I promise!). 
I will be on tomorrow (4-28-20) at 10 am (CT)! I hope you will join me!
Remember when you comment on my videos you get entered to win a set of cards from the video and when you share my videos you get entered into my monthly drawing for a stamp set!! 
My facebook page can be found here.
Artfully Aware Cling Stamp Set

Thank you!
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© April McCreight - Gypsy Stamper · THEME BY WATDESIGNEXPRESS